Welcome to our web site. We hope you enjoy exploring this site to find out what is happening in our parish church. Please come back and visit again soon.
We see ourselves as a church which is here for everyone in the local community. We believe that it is vital that everyone who comes among us is given a warm welcome and made to feel at home. Our most important activity is of course worship and you are welcome to join us at any of our services on Sundays and Thursdays.
There is also a wide range of activities on offer for people of all ages and we would invite you to find out more about them through our web site.
Peterculter Parish Church was formed in 1999 March 1999, through a union of the former congregations of Kelman Memorial and St. Peter’s. At the time of the union it had sole responsibility within the Church of Scotland for all of Peterculter and a small section of Milltimber in regard to public worship, including funerals, weddings and baptisms. The present church building was built in 1895 and an extension was added to the front in 1995 to mark its 100th anniversary. The church was completely refurbished in 2001 and now has a comfortable interior with flexible seating.
On 1st November 2023 a further union took place between Peterculter Parish Church and Drumoak-Durris Church further extending the parish boundary. The name of the new parish remains Peterculter Parish Church.
We are a Church of Scotland congregation in which leadership and pastoral care are provided by elders, who work in partnership with the minister. Along with other local congregations, our congregation comes under the jurisdiction of the Presbytery of Aberdeen and Shetland. At a national level, all congregations come under the authority of the General Assembly, which gathers in Edinburgh during a week in May.
We hope that if you do visit us that you will find us welcoming and open. We have Good News to share and we would be delighted if you wish to join us in worshipping God and seeking to follow in the way of Jesus Christ.